Friday, May 31, 2013

Changing Focus

It's one of those situations where something happened beyond my control.  Not stressing, not stressing, not stressing.  GAH!  Stressing!  Breathe and believe!!  Breathe and believe!!  Negativity be gone!  Getting rid of the bad day blues today has been a process, but one I've been able to share with a couple of friends.  It's so effective I thought I would blog it so I can revisit it the next time I have a speed bump in the road.


I can't change the past.  But that doesn't mean my future is going to go the same way.  I refuse to make self-fulfilling prophecies: by assuming the day will remain as challenging I will focus my energy and assure it will. does this affect the big picture of my life?  This situation is a blip in the scheme of things, lesson learned and moving forward.  Does this ruin my day?  It stinks, really, but I'm blessed.  Switching focus, I can say that my taxes are paid, my bills are current, my husband loves me, my family is wonderful, my dog is mostly healthy, my garden is producing, even though I'm sick I am starting to get better, and I have chili that is yummy-licious.  De-stressing: getting up and working out will help with the mood boost.  Attitude change?  You betcha.  I have so many opportunities in my future and it all depends on the path I plan - and yes, I have some incredible dreams in mind.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Goal Setting, Simplified

I am so overwhelmed, and scared of new opportunities!  I had to remind myself: get out of your own way!  What's stopping you?  Just set your mind and move your body to become the best (insert your dream here) you can be.  If you love your life, don't change a thing!  But if you find yourself in a pattern similar to what I felt today - curious and daydreaming about what if's and wouldn't it be nice if - read on to my ridiculously simplified recipe to success.

1 - DON'T panic!  Breathe!  Change is scary, but necessary to get out of ye olde comfort zone of routine plateau.  Take a deep breath and read the next step.

2 -  Choose your goal.  Define expectations. Stay realistic. (Take a deep breath.  Read on.)

3 - Create your vision.  Seek support from like-minded people.  Ignore the naysayers and breathe.

4 - Change your behaviors.  Determine your strengths and values. Skip the negatives to avoid circling back to old holding patterns.  Breathe.

5 - Move it.  Write down steps, the smallest of goals that lead up to your vision.  Get in gear and go in the direction of what you desire - FORWARD!!  Arm yourself with a realistic and specific plan.  Use your cheerleaders to help you break into the potential that you seek.  Know your strengths and use them to squish bad habits as you build newer and healthier ones.

It sounds SO simple, and really it is.  So take a deep breath and get out of your own way.