Monday, May 7, 2012

Letting Go

Having difficulty "practicing what I preach" these past several days. Saw this photo. *sigh* Letting go of my fears feels impossible, I'm going through my process. It's been ten days, however, and I'm struggling to find peace. I sat quietly this morning and thought about it - the programmed loop that keeps pushing me down emotionally. I recognize I'm a disaster, and am determined to take over my mind and get those thoughts OUT. At least break the non-stop flow of thoughts.

I can't stop my brain entirely. But I'm determined to stop, actively breathe and ground myself in the moment. Like meditation - being aware of everything in that moment: sounds, scents and surroundings. Actively being in the moment helps to lessen the hold of my sadness and anxiety...though it still takes a lot of energy to focus at least I'm not wallowing. Even as I write this I'm struggling with tears. At least I've made the effort to look at my thoughts & fears, step one of getting my mind back in gear. My mantra never quit hums quietly.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Happiness is...

Find a way to be happy by doing, by being you, not by waiting for permission or being the person you are expected to be.  Ask yourself what you want - what do you love the most??  Answer that and you have already started your journey.  But often life gets busy and we lose ourselves and sight of what is important.  Things happen and we sometimes get lost and bruised...losing focus of purpose.

I found myself struggling with a personal experience, and the desire to hide away was powerful.  I have amazing people in my life who gently brought me forward and quietly reminded me that there is hope.  Oh yeah...I have purpose.  I fell apart but was glued together with the love and light of dear friends and family.  Point is, if we all give in to our struggles, we cannot lean on each other when it is needed the most.  We all carry our own burdens, but somehow we stop and set them down to help a friend.  I find being there for others brings peace, if not joy in my time of healing.  I know it will return.

If you find yourself drifting, search within.  Find the spark of essence that is yours alone and that light will guide you.  If you find yourself struggling, do not shut out the world.  Please reach out for help, even if it is simply speaking with someone about your experience: you begin to realize you are not alone with that burden.  It eases...with time and with sharing.  When we find peace with ourselves and strive to achieve whatever we are here on this earth for, we become shining beacons for all who surround.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Courage & Joy

It's been a long journey since my last post.  Not so much a length of time but in life itself.  Gains and losses have shaped my close friends & family in ways I never expected.  So off we are on the path of opportunity that each day brings, with shared hope and faith in the future.

I always write and speak about about seeing the positives, and never giving up...but like anything, it's often harder to accomplish at times.  It's a matter of finding the courage to get up and go forward: even if we begin by going through the motions, the enthusiasm will come.  Seek joy in helping others, and you will find it within.