Monday, September 10, 2012

I just came across a quote from Plato, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."  The past few days have tried my heart despite spending it in the lap of mother nature's sand and surf.  I found my patience for the mundane today is exceptionally short-lived.  Deep breathing and listing my blessings has helped, but my heart isn't finding comfort.  Being faced with loss  is something we all encounter in life, and something I'd rather not go through...but then, nobody does.

How do we find the courage to get through the trials in life?  Or more aptly explained, life goes on and we do the best we can with what we've got, despite constricted throats and eyes that blur with unshed tears.  Courage may lack but we push onward with the hope of healing enough to keep breathing, and perhaps even smile without feeling as broken.  I gather my faith, and pray for the best as I lean on family and friends, and know no matter what...we will get by.

So, mister whoever you are, I'm sorry for yelling at you for doing your job and providing a thirtieth courtesy call for something that was long ago cancelled.  Maybe you're faced with heartache, too.  I'll try harder to be kind today even though I just want to be a kid and scream and throw a tantrum then have a good cry and go lay down with my teddy bear.

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