Friday, January 13, 2012

Waiting for the World to Change?

I was queen of "wait until tomorrow" or "I have to do this so I can't do what I want."  Multiple excuses do not do anything but waste time! Why wait for what you want?  Put on your running shoes and get out there to pursue your dreams!  No excuses, no whining, just grit and determination to make forward progress.  Here's my plan to keep forward momentum this year.  Look within yourself and motivate to reach your goals!

-Make a list: keep it on your smartphone, computer or somewhere easily accessible.  Review frequently and modify if needed!  Even make a list of WHY you're procrastinating: somehow seeing it in print just looks SILLY!
I’m procrastinating on ___________ because...
Again, seeing it in writing will add motivation!
-Break it down: Make each step even more simple.  Identify basic steps and then refine.  Look at your list.  What is the next thing, no matter how small, you can do to achieve your goal?

-The procrastination dash
: Identify the one thing on your list that you don't want to do.  Start that project first.  The relief will be liberating and you will motivate yourself to stay on track!  By doing what once seemed impossible, you will have gotten started.
-Advertise and share the pain: positive peer pressure?  Absolutely!  Get a running buddy to hold you accountable to run more.  What to develop your photography skills?  Arrange to have a friend meet and shoot at a destination and then have lunch!  Whatever your goal, the bottom line is: make yourself accountable.

-Plan for it:  If it isn't on your to do list, how likely is it to get done?  Highlight and make sure you have specific goals set for each day!

That being said...I'm off to get my list finished!  Happy Friday!

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.  -Abraham Lincoln

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