Tuesday, January 17, 2012


It is easy to covet what someone else has achieved.  I look at several successful people, and can be sick with envy if I let myself.  Instead, I have decided to be diligent.  Work at what I want, no matter what, however difficult the process.  At first with any new project I find I'm often paralyzed - whether it's fear, or I'm just flat out overwhelmed with all of the details I couldn't tell you for sure.  I'd say a likely mix of each. 

The most important step is deciding what you want most.  Identify it.  Sounds easy, right?  The next crucial step is letting go of the fear of failure.  A wise man recently told me if you aren't making mistakes, you obviously aren't working.  Huh.  That's interesting.  Making a mistake doesn't break me, it just means I'm going to have to rework the plan and learn that will not work. 

My mental catalog flips through Edison's many failed inventions before he had a success.  Mistakes are just a by-product of progression to a better purpose.  Letting go of preconceived ideas is a great step in any process.  In fact, I'm adding that to my to-do list.  Let it go and let it be!

I have always been one to worry about someone standing by to point and laugh when I trip or fall.  Truth is, nobody is there to mock me for trying.  Even if I feel alone, somebody is always there with a positive word of encouragement.  The only person that mocks me is the woman in the mirror when I give up before I've even tried.

What is it you want most?  Decide.  Drop your fears. Let go.  Get going!

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