Thursday, January 19, 2012

From Danger Zone to YAY!

Danger, danger!! Alarms (that strangely sound like voice-overs are done by Robin Williams) are going off in my head heart hurts. Several small things are going on at once in my life, and I'm finding it a little harder to pull up the bootstraps so I can dance through my day. I'm a worrier by nature so stress adds up, eventually. Even the good news in life brings it's own type of emotional significance. But how do you beat the moody blues when the scales tip?

Finding my positive attitude is not always easy, and feelings of sadness, anger, hurt, frustration or humiliation...all negative but very real emotions can quickly fog up the old rose-colored glasses. Normally, I read my thirty minutes of positive things, scan through uplifting images and find myself at a wonderful degree of optimistic. Today I just fizzled. So instead of plowing through the day with my usual zest, I sat quietly and visualized.

Ah, great tool of meditation we meet again! Motivational mantras, affirmations and reflecting on the wonders in my life just somehow re-programs my brain. Somewhere in the subconscious a light turns on and I feel a flutter of "yay" coming back to me. Being stressed out, cranky or tearful often leads me to (dun dun duuunnnn) lethargy and emotional eating - or at least standing and staring wistfully into the refrigerator hoping for some junk food to appear.

Mentally resetting my emotional balance means a more productive day, cleaner eating, and understanding that life is about harmony. Sometimes we need the bad to appreciate the good, and then challenge ourselves to overcome and be our best. Happy Thursday!

“Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well." -Mahatma Gandhi

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