Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Touch of Destiny

Destiny's definition: a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency.  I believe everything happens for a reason.  But I shape my destiny according to how I act - or react - to events in life. I can give a thousand excuses, many would be valid, but I'd be stuck where I'm at.

How will I ever grow, change and improve if I stop and create reasons to stand still?  Yes life happens and I will be affected by things that are out of my control...but accepting what is and working with what I have is the only way through to my goals.  Doing what I LIKE is easy, but to get full results that I WANT requires stepping out of "the zone" and making decisions to let go of old habits.

Knowing how to improve and choosing to be uncomfortable are two different things.

For example, I don't have a problem with clean eating.  I am proud of my choices.  The problem is allowing myself ENOUGH of it.  Anorexia is a strange mind-set that somehow lingers, and I STILL often question the amount of food I eat.  So I have to work and track what I consume to make sure it's enough to support the exercise I'm doing.  Which is difficult.  Admitting repeatedly that I had a problem is no easy task, and realizing I still unconsciously do it is disappointing.

I love working out - once I convince myself to move.  It's easy to make excuses or procrastinate, although I now enjoy my endorphins afterwards so much I look forward to each session.  Once I push play I have to talk myself into NOT QUITTING when it's more challenging.  There is no easy way. The desire to look good, the dedication to work hard are keys, but to get to where you want to be often requires a bit of sacrifice and getting out of your safety zone.

It it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body. — Cher

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