Thursday, February 2, 2012


Ask yourself: where am I right now? Is this where I am meant to be? Do I want to be here? If your answer is no, change something. If your answer is yes, continue what you're doing! So often we live life automatically, and lose our sense of direction. Without purpose, we are likely to drift according to random feelings or urges and often become apathetic because we lack control of our own lives. You must come to your purpose by your own road. When you are ready, you will know the answer of what you want. The question becomes, "how do I get to where I want to be?"

A sense of purpose simplifies life and therefore concentrates our abilities; and concentration adds power.
-Kenneth Hildebrand

I love setting goals, and then reassessing where I am, because I keep my focus. I adore every aspect of my life! I can answer truthfully that I am where I want to be, and I am continuing towards the dreams that I have mapped out. It took me a while to get to this point in my life. One reason for my delay was fear. I was afraid to state my target because I might miss it. I avoided failure by not having a purpose. And I hated myself for it. Apathy, self-loathing and trying to fit into someone's else definition of myself was a recipe for disaster. I finally realized what I truly wanted, and I ran for it.

Success demands singleness of purpose. -Vince Lombardi

There are many benefits to living with purpose: personal growth, a feeling of peace, happiness, a sense of power over our life's direction. With purpose there is value, self-esteem and a sense of meaning. As I grow, I find that I am a much stronger person than I ever thought I could be. But it is not without effort. Work, pain, and sweat are the beginning of greatness. Do not spend your time; use it. Make the effort to make a difference.  Starting with yourself.

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