Monday, February 6, 2012


Merriam Webster defines commitment as following:
: an agreement or pledge to do something in the future; especially : an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date
b : something pledged
c : the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled <a commitment to a cause>.

Dedication, allegiance, attachment, constancy, devotion.  But what does commitment really MEAN?  Instantly, I think marriage is a huge commitment, definitely no easy task, but absolutely worth every single effort. I value the belief that we are there to help each other grow into the person that we aspire to be, no matter what happens.  No relationship is easy, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy!  With dedication, communication, and understanding it makes for a much healthier relationship than if we merely exist and occupy the same space.

Often times in a flourishing relationship we sacrifice to accomplish what must be done with the understanding that it brings us closer to what we want.  Sacrifice then comes to be equated to our goals but must be approached with positive intentions, otherwise we feel burdened and grumpy.  Which means good intentions must translate into actions, otherwise they fail without personal accountability, appreciation and understanding.  It is far too simple to make excuses and make ourselves feel better if a large share of blame for a problem is not our fault.  So if health is our greatest wealth, why do we continually make excuses and take it for granted in any aspect at all?

Health can relate to so many things in life: relationships with others and ourselves, the environment, our own physical well-being.  How is it that toxic friends and foods are so often forerunners in our lives?  Is it less demanding if we just keep the blinders on and just float through it?  It puzzles me that we can get swept up into routines and just go along with the status quo when it clearly isn't healthy.  If we can commit, really stick with ideals and be proactive, we renew purpose within ourselves.  Choices are made every day that affect everything in life.  I believe each moment should count. 

My special moments are simple: making coffee with a smile for my husband and being grateful for a simple shared moment.  Choosing to recycle bottles and cans, composting in the garden or giving left-over bread or greens to the chickens knowing it has purpose.  Pushing play on my work-out when I would rather be lazy with a book or feel tired as I realize my health matters not only to myself, but my family.  I understand that great things are achieved by diligence and know there are no shortcuts.  

I see a short-cut as being a u-turn back to where I started, and that's not growing!  I have a clear picture of my journey, of who I want to become: a healthy, happy, creative woman who is the fittest person I can be, both personally and environmentally.  I want to live with a small footprint; to raise my own chickens, grow fresh vegetables and rely less on supermarkets for my food.  I am now considering citrus and peaches in addition to my fig tree.  I am only one person, but by committing to make a difference in myself I know it will translate to everyone I interact with.  Whether I inspire one person or a thousand, I have made a difference. 
Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the "right stuff" to turn our dreams into reality.  -James Womack

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