Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cleaning Fit

Somehow being sick always sends me on a cleaning binge.  Never mind that my huge, bare Christmas tree still lurks - because that means I have to clean the entire closet to reach the boxes for it. All linens have been laundered after a trip to smack the switch on the pump, gotta love homeownership.  The kitchen shines and the bathrooms are defunked.  Normally cleaning chemicals send me into a wheezing fit, but I've pared it down to naturals.  These are some of my favorite tricks.

  • Chill out.  For grimy non-stick cookware: freeze for approximately 30 minutes.  The burnt grime should come off easily.
  • Take it with a grain of salt.  For boiled over foods in the oven, pour salt on it to soak it up.  When the oven cools, wipe it up with a damp sponge. For an all purpose oven cleaner, make a paste of baking soda and water, leave for a few hours to dry and wipe clean for a chemical free oven.
  • Stove top miracle.  Mix a small amount of borax and dish soap and scrub onto cooled stove.  For problem areas, soak a cleaning towel in hot water and place on the area and allow to soak.  Wipe clean.
  • Citrus shine.  Grapefruit or lemon comes in handy for cleaning along with some salt.  I've used with success on granite counters, stainless steel sinks, and on the bathroom sinks.  The only catch is rinsing thoroughly.  For those with garbage disposals, grinding the seeds from these two fruits along with some ice cubes will freshen up any lingering odors.
  • Grind to a halt: toss a handful of rice grains in your coffee grinder and send them for a spin.  The particles absorb stale odor and cleans residual oil and grounds.  Discard the rice and wipe clean.
  • Bleachy keen.  To remove acidic food stains from plastic storage containers, rub lemon juice on the spots and set them out to catch some sunshine.  Wash as usual.
  • Vanilla Bean Clean.  Soak a cotton ball in vanilla extract and place exposed on a dish in the refrigerator to absorb odors.  Leave until it is dry.
  • Shower fresh.  To scour mineral deposits from showerheads, pour vinegar into a plastic grocery bat and knot the handles over the neck of the showerhead, securing with rubber bands.  Soak overnight and rinse in the morning.
  • Tea time rust remover.  Soaking rusty tools in some black tea will help scour superficial rusting.  Brew a few pots, allow to cool and dump into a bucket with your neglected tools for a few hours.  Wear gloves (or be forever orange) and wipe each tool with a cloth.
  • Natural windex.  Mix 2 ounces water and 10 drops of lavender or lemongrass oil to wipe grime off of windows.  These oils are also said to repel flies.
  • Pet hair picker-upper.  Chasing tumbleweeds just got a smidgen easier: put on a wet rubber dishwashing glove and wipe your hand over surfaces.  Pet hair will stick right to it.
  • Natural laundry stain treatments:  Always treat stains from the back rather than the front to avoid rubbing the stain in more.  Ink or paint - soak in rubbing alcohol for 30 minutes or spray with hairspray before washing.  Tomato based stains: white vinegar directly on stain and wash immediately.  Coffee and tea: treat with boiling water onto the stain.  If it is already set, scrub with a paste of borax and water and wash immediately.  Grass: scrub with dish soap or treat with 50/50 hydrogen peroxide and water mix.  Mud: let dry and brush off what you can.  Treat with borax/water paste and wash immediately.  Dingy whites & pit stains: soak in 50/50 hydrogen peroxide and water mix for at least 30 minutes and wash with an added 1 cup of peroxide per load.  Red wine: 50/50 peroxide and water mix immediately preceding wash. 
  • Line it up!  Spring is here in the south, set a clothes line and enjoy fresh air dried linens while saving a few bucks on electricity.
  • Take a shot.  Spritz musty smelling linens and clothing with a small amount of vodka (spot-test first).  Straight voddie kills bacteria but doesn't leave a scent.  Hang clothes to dry in a well ventilated area.

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